“The Crooked Contractor”

Getting attention right away is key in todays commercial space. With an explosive start and simple, relatable situation, the audience is pulled in and glued through the end of the commercial without even realizing it.

Directed, shot, edited, color graded.


The brand called for luxury, elegance, and simplicity. Communicating that through music choice, edit tempo, and color grade immerses the viewer right into that world as if they walked into the store themselves.

Directed, shot, edited, color graded.

Welcome to MCBS

Before graduating college, the faculty of the MCBS program called on me and a few friends to create an engaging “intro the the degree program” video. Though quirky/funny is not normally my style, this collaborative project turned into a big success for the purpose it served.

Directed, shot, edited.


This mock trailer stretches all the way back to highschool for me! This was a passion project I created in my senior year as my love for film was taking off.

Directed, shot, edited, color graded.


Mini Documentaries


YouTube Videos